Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Never Drop Your Kids Off at School with Pajamas On!

For years Amaya has begged me not to drop her off at school while wearing my pajamas. For years my grandmother always told me never to go out of the house not wearing matching underwear or without a bra. My mother always warned against not doing my hair before going out. Today I avoided the request and advice of all three, and man did it backfire on me! I had just pulled into the drop off circle at Amaya's school when my car totally cut off. I tried to restart the car but I got nothing! So, there I was in my non working car, with my pajamas on, no bra and bed head in the middle of the car drop off line.  Amaya, with her helpful self, springs into action and ask if she can go get help. I reluctantly say yes and look into mirror to try to fix my Afro as she is on her mission to find help.  Did I mention that I'm a PTA mom and room parent at the school?
Help arrives. I'm happy, yet want to stick my head back in my car to hide. Luckily, I did brush my teeth before I decided to hop into the car. I am so thankful for the Vice Principal and the P.E Teacher for helping to move my car. I hope they don't remember the image of me this morning looking as if I had just rolled out of bed. Well......anyhow. Have I learned my lesson?  I think so. Only time will tell.  Most mornings it's just easier to get her ready and come back home to shower, eat and dress for the day.  All I know is that for now I'll take the extra five minutes to make myself presentable.......just in case! 

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